
Showing posts from 2013
CARRIE You will know her name Sinopsis Carrie seorang gadis remaja yang tinggal bersama ibunya yang fanatik terhadap agama dan kolot, ia sering memarahi Carrie jika ia bersalah dan menguncinya didalam Kamar Doa. Disekolah Carrie termasuk murid yang paling tidak gaul karena memang ibunya tidak pernah membelikan pakaian yang pantas dan bagus mengikuti trend remaja. Karena itulah Carrie sering kali jadi bahan ejekan teman dan di bully begitu istilah jaman sekarang. Carrie ini adalah sosok yang unik, dan keunikan inilah yang nanti akan membawa malapetaka. Ia sedari bayi sudah mempunyai kemampuan telekinetis, bayangkan jika bayi bisa menggantung botol minumannya sendiri padahal baru berumur beberapa bulan. Ia juga pernah membuat hujan es diluar rumahnya dan merusah lingkungannya sementara ia diam di dalam rumah. Dan hujan es buatannya menghancurkan sebuah bungalo di dekat rumahnya. Carrie adalah sosok gadis yang kesepian dan terisolasi, tidak punya teman dan satu-sa...

Sehari, BBM Android dan iOS Diunduh 10 Juta Kali

  Kini, BBM jadi aplikasi terpopuler di Apple App Store. 2 hari yang lalu, aplikasi BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) lintas-platform kembali diluncurkan BlackBerry.  Kemunculan BBM itu disambut antusias para pengguna ponsel Android dan iOS di seluruh dunia. Semua ingin mencicipi layanan pesan instan yang fenomenal itu. Dari siaran pers yang dikirim BlackBerry kemarin, 23 Oktober 2013, hanya dalam waktu 24 jam, BBM telah diunduh 10 juta kali oleh para pengguna ponsel Android dan iOS. Tak pelak, peluncuran layanan pesan instan BBM merupakan salah satu peluncuran yang menyita perhatian. Kini, BBM untuk Android dan iOS menempati peringkat teratas di Apple Store sebagai aplikasi yang paling banyak diunduh. Dari data Apple Store di lebih dari 75 negara, seperti Amerika Serikat, Kanada, Inggris, Indonesia, dan kawasan Timur Tengah, aplikasi BBM berada di posisi teratas sebagai aplikasi yang paling banyak diunduh dalam waktu 24 jam pertama. Seperti halnya di Apple Store, respons yan...

Worst Nightmare (english assigment)

I got a bad dream when I slept last week. When I looked for my shoes, it was very dirty. So, I washed and I dried my shoes, but I forgot that I must waited the shoes dry. When I dried the shoes, 15 minutes later, it was raining. But at that time, I was sleeping. Finally, my shoes was very wet again. Last week, i was dreaming about my birthday. On my birthday, I got a nice present from someone special. He wrapped the present with a box and he tied with a pink ribbon. I guessed what it is. When I opened the present, I was very happy. There was a nice shoes that I wanted. Then, I used it everyday. One day, he invited me to hang out together. He told me that I must use the shoes. So, I took the shoes. I looked for the shoes and it was very dirty. Then, I washed the shoes. I though that I washed the shoes at afternoon, it will be dried at night. After I washed the shoes, I dried it in front of the house. Then, I was waiting the shoes dry. I sat on the chair in the terrace. Around 15 mi...

valday :D


Valentine's Day

Saint Valentine's Day, commonly known as Valentine's Day, or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is observed on February 14 each year. It is celebrated in many countries around the world, although it remains a working day in most of them. St. Valentine's Day began as a liturgical celebration of one or more early Christian saints named Valentinus. The most popular martyrology associated with Saint Valentine was that he was imprisoned for performing weddings for soldiers who were forbidden to marry and for ministering to Christians, who were persecuted under the Roman Empire; during his imprisonment, he is said to have healed the daughter of his jailer Asterius. Legend states that before his execution he wrote "from your Valentine" as a farewell to her. Today, Saint Valentine's Day is an official feast day in the Anglican Communion, as well as in the Lutheran Church. The Eastern Orthodox Church also celebrates Saint Valentine's Day, albeit on July 6t...